Tuesday, June 19, 2018

vs. TBA

On Camera

We open up in front of a SCW logo backdrop.  The opening chords to “Hands of the Wicked” begins to play.  The ominous tune plays on for several long moments until Sophie O’Brian steps into view from stage left.  The beautiful yet dangerous vixen is wearing a black skirt that stops just above the knee, a teal colored top, and black high heeled pumps.  Her long black hair hangs unrestrained to shoulder length.  She has the SCW Television Championship title belt draped over her right shoulder.  “Hands of the Wicked” slowly starts to fade until it is barely audible.  It is at this point that the champion begins to speak.

“I found out about the next Breakdown card through my dear brother.  Mark informed me that I had no clearly defined opposition.  I thought he had misunderstood the card, which he has been known to do from time to time, so I looked at it myself and much to my surprise he was actually spot on the money this time.  My opponent was labeled TBA…or to be announced for those who hate acronyms.  Now most champions in my position may hate or detest such a scenario where they are walking in without knowledge of who they are facing.  But me?”

Sophie smirks knowingly. “I enjoy the challenge.”

“You see, I already said my piece on social media; I’d be willing to face anyone.  There were those who threw their names in the hat as volunteers to challenge me for my championship; Owen Cruze and Max Kane, most notably.  Now I have no idea if either will be my challenger on Breakdown or not.” She shrugs her shoulders. “But the point is that I do not care.  I do not care who SCW puts in front of me because I will face anyone.  I did not seek out the SCW Television Championship so I could be a coddled champion and pick my battles.  If I had wanted that I would have been chasing one of the other championships.”

She pats the championship belt that rests over her shoulder. “Instead I chose to go after the championship where the champion is asked to defend it each and every week; no breaks and no excuses, I’m the champion who every week grants some lucky superstar an opportunity.”

“You just have to understand that all I offer is an opportunity, because I am also the superstar who will crush your opportunity in an instant.  One Death of Wisdom and I will pin you for a three count.  Or I may drag it out, I may choose to torture you by locking you in Wisdom itself, and force you to give up on the opportunity, force you to give up on your dream, force you to tap out and submit to me.”

She holds up one finger. “At least one lucky superstar gets an opportunity on Breakdown.  And I have no idea who that individual may be.  I simply say bring it on.  My obligation as a champion is to defend this championship each and every week regardless of who the opponent may be.  There are no excuse and no reasons to whine or moan as so many others in this company tend to do.  I’m not weak like them.  I will face the challenge head on, whoever it may be, and I will put them down like the dog that they are.  And this challenger, this challenger to be announced, will learn just as everyone in Supreme Championship Wrestling will quickly learn, that wisdom will be the death of you.”

The scene fades to black.

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