Thursday, August 2, 2018

vs. Zero

Off Camera

A bar in Belfast, Northern Ireland is rather quiet on this dark, rainy night.   Most people do not want to get out in this weather.  The only ones present on this night are the bar regulars.  You know the crowd; those who have a pattern and a part of that pattern includes enjoying a night out at least once a week (usually more).

For someone like Mark O’Brian, consistency is a good thing.  He learns certain patterns and he gets used to those patterns.  Whenever that set pattern breaks it tends to upset him.  He tries to figure things out and for someone who isn’t that bright to begin with it tends to be hard to figure out what’s wrong.

His sister Sophie has always been a little bit on the sociopathic side of the persuasion.  At times she would seem downright emotionless and cold.  At times she would be a verifiable monster.  But Mark didn’t seem to mind.  He just assumed that was who his sister was.

Only lately he noticed her sudden change.  That change came about due to a dramatic reconnection with an old acquaintance and now Sophie seems to be far more pleasant and happy than she used to be.  That change is very unusual and bothers Mark.

One thing that has not changed is Mark and Sophie’s regular visit to this particular dive on the outskirts of Belfast, Northern Ireland.  Mark can count his blessings that some things do not change, even if Sophie’s personality seemingly has changed.

Mark and his sister Sophie find themselves at a table near the back of the of this seemingly empty bar.  Mark is dressed in denim jeans, black boots, a black “SCW” t-shirt, and a black leather jacket.  His sister Sophie is wearing a long, ankle length floral print skirt, flip flops, and a black “SCW” t-shirt that matches her brother’s.  Her long black hair hangs down unrestrained to shoulder length.  Mark has a glass of an unknown alcoholic beverage in front of him and Sophie, by contrast, has a glass of simple water sitting in front of her.

“I’ve come to a conclusion, brother.” Sophie’s voice is dry and stoic, almost the way it used to be before her change in personality.

“Yeah, what’s that?” Mark asks in a curious tone.   He tilts his beer bottle up in the air and swigs on some alcohol.  He is genuinely concerned about his sister.  For the longest time he thought he knew her.  He thought she was just a bitter, or rather emotionless individual, who constantly berated him and took out her angst and frustrations upon him.

Mark never seemed to mind it.  He didn’t mind because he cared for his sister and if that made her feel better, then so be it.  He just assumed that was the real Sophie O’Brian.  Recent events involving an old acquaintance of hers has proven that the real Sophie O’Brian is a completely different individual altogether.  Sophie has feelings and emotions.  Sophie seems to care for her brother in ways that she had not cared before.

It’s enough to worry Mark, because this isn’t like his sister.  She seems happy but this isn’t the Sophie he knows.  He watches her carefully as she half-smiles and shrugs her shoulders.  “I think I’m going to take a break from SCW.”

“You’re taking a break?!” Mark says as he nearly spews his drink from his mouth. “Why?”

“I already accomplished what I wanted to accomplish.”

“So becoming Television Champion is all you wanted to achieve?” He chuckles. “Such low standards.”

“Oh hush!” Sophie exclaims with a smile on her face.  This is another thing that bothers Mark.  He intentionally baited her to see if she’d lash out like the old Sophie but she didn’t.  This is rather disconcerting. “My time in SCW was valuable, no doubt, but I need a break.  I found myself.  That’s all I needed, brother.”

“Well I’m glad you got something out of it; even if it wasn’t much.”

“Oh don’t be like that.  I may return later; trust me, being a former SCW Television Champion isn’t my only desire.” She takes a sip of her water.  This is another difference Mark notices about his sister.  She isn’t the heavy drinker she used to be.  She has changed a great deal and Mark has noticed it.

“That’s good...” his voice trails off “…the Sophie I know would not be satisfied with just one title reign under her belt.”

The raven haired beauty tilts her head to one side. “You’re worried about me, aren’t you?”

“Of course I am!” Mark exclaims, drinking another big gulp of his beverage. “You’re my sister and I know you, at least I thought I knew you.  This person is completely different.  She’s…”

“She’s the real me, mate.” Sophie remarks slowly, consolingly. “This is who I really am.  Not some construct to protect myself.  This is me and Mark, you need to get used to it.”

“That’ll be hard to do.” He shakes his head.

“You know what you should be doing?” Sophie asks with a smirk on her face. “Emerge.”

“Oh yeah…”

“Seriously, Emerge is your opportunity to shine.” Sophie insists. “It’s always been about me, dear brother, all the while you’ve supported me and my goals.  I never supported you in your professional endeavors.” Sophie shakes her head. “I’m guilt ridden…”

“You shouldn’t be.  I helped you because I love you.”

“And I do appreciate it, but it’s time for you to prove what YOU can do.  You should stop being my sidekick and start being the leading man in this show.  This is YOUR opportunity, Mark.  Emerge can give you that and you need to take advantage of your time here.”

“You know, you’re right…” Mark scowls“…I have an opportunity to bust my ass and make something of myself.  Yet there are people who want to be clowns, people who want to waste that opportunity.”

He slams his fist on the table. “Zero!”

“Your next opponent I presume?” Sophie inquires.

“Yeah,” Mark growls angrily “he’s a little clown making a fool of this sport and of anyone and everyone he encounters.  He thinks this is just a damn game.  It isn’t!”

“Then I think you know exactly what to do.” Sophie winks knowingly at her brother Mark.

“Damn right!  I’m going to crush that piece of shit!  His Emerging days are OVER!”

On Camera

I get it.  I really do get it.  I understand how so many people look at me and judge me.  They think they know who the fuck I am.

They think I’m just Sophie O’Brian’s sidekick.  I’m her heavy; I do her dirty work for her.  And you know what?  I’m to blame for having that impression.  Damn near all my career…shit, my life even…I felt my job was to help my sister.  I had no problem being there for her and making sure she achieved her goals, both professionally and personally.

That’s what any good sibling would do, right?

Joining Emerge is my opportunity to shine on my own.  It is a chance to show each and every one of you that I am more than just a sidekick and more than just a heavy.  My goal in Emerge is to leave you with a lasting impression of who the hell I am and to make sure you no longer know me simply as Sophie’s brother but as Mark O’Brian, the mother fucking Sherman Tank!

I’ve been grinding through Emerge trying to accomplish that goal.  Has it been easy?  Hell no!  But I’ve been fighting and clawing to earn my way.

Then you have goofs like Zero; clowns like him think everything is a joke.  He has the same opportunity as I do and yet he’s wasting it with his antics and fooling around.  Do you honestly think I’m going to just let that slide?  Do you honestly think I’m going to let people like that get away with making a mockery of MY sport?

Not now and not ever.

You are the little comedian of Emerge, aren’t you Zero?  I already know what you’ll probably say; you’ll mock me as Sophie’s little bitch.  You’ll mock my desire and motivation towards this sport.  You’ll make fun of my intelligence.  And that’s fun, boy.  Go ahead.  But I’m just going to skip the back and forth banter and get straight to what telling you exactly what I plan to do to you.

I’m going to break you in half.

That’s right, I’m not even going to bother with the whole teaching you about respect crap or teaching you a lesson.  People like you can’t learn a damn thing anyway.  I’m just going to pummel you into the ground.  I’m going to beat you so bad that you will regret ever being a part of Emerge and you’ll go crawling back under whatever rock your puny little ass came from.

You think you’re cute with your little costume and mask don’t ya?  You’re nothing to me, little boy.  You’re nothing but a goof playing dress up pretending to be a hero.  Newsflash, ya worm; there are no true heroes.  Not really.  Just a couple of guys and gals trying to make do…

That’s what I want.  I want to make do…I want to make something of myself…I want to go places and damn it if I’m going to let some costumed punk kid with a God complex stop me from achieving my damn goals!

You don’t have goals, Zero, and that’s part of the problem.  No goals means no accomplishments.  Your only achievement that you’ll have is knowing that you served as the stepping stone…MY stepping stone…towards bigger and better things.  I do plan on going places, Zero, and it’ll be at your damn expense.

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